Ask the Publisher: How do I get my book into my local bookshop?

I have successfully published hundreds of authors in my career. As a result, I believe I have answered every publishing question possible.

Our Ask the Publisher series aims to answer the questions of aspiring or established authors. There are no silly questions and making publishing more accessible is what JCA is here for.

This month, we talk about getting a book onto the shelves of retailers.

A common question I hear from authors after their book is published, is “Why isn’t my book in my local bookshop?”.

There are many reasons why that might be the case.  

Publishers can’t control what bookstores put on their shelves

Bookshops are not controlled by publishers. They are separate, often small business, and the bookseller decides on what stock they hold based on their assessment of their customers and their market. Shelf space is expensive and each title has to make money, or at least have the potential to make money for the bookshop.

Over 5000 books are published every month in Australia and for a bookseller to stock your book they have to be convinced it will sell. So good publicity and marketing around a publication — including a great cover, a great title, and a great subject — all contribute to getting you spot on the shelf. And size does matter — if you are published by a large publisher then you are much more likely to get copies into more bookshops than if you are with a small press.

Publicity and marketing will help get your title onto a bookshop’s shelf

Books are also sold ‘Sale or Return’ which means if they are unsold after the first few months, the bookshop can (and will) send them back. This is a brutal but necessary aspect of the business as it frees up shelf space for the next months’ new releases. 

The takeaway? Ensure publicity and marketing happens well before your release date, ensuring there is ‘buzz’ upon publication day and encourage your fans, friends, and community to ask for and purchase your book at a local bookshop.

When your book is released may influence if bookstores stock it

Timing is also critical. There are thousands of new titles every month of every year.

Your book has a dedicated publication month, the month when all the PR and buzz is created and you will have the best chance of being displayed in the bookshop. After that month has passed, the book moves out of the limelight. Like books on a conveyer belt — or descending space invaders — new releases just keep coming. This is how the system works. Booksellers cannot stock every book and are much more likely to stock a new release over an older title.

The topic of your book and its release around large retail events (like Christmas or Mothers/Fathers Day) might influence whether a bookstore stocks your book. Consider this as part of your marketing strategy.

Sometimes it’s them, not you

A lesser-known aspect of the bookstore business that influences the titles they stock is cash flow. When a bookshop is ‘on stop’, it means they have not paid last month’s invoice to the publisher or distributor, so they can’t supply the store with any new titles.

So please remember, bookshops do not have to stock your book. They chose to because of many factors but it my experience they will never not stock a book that sells. Concentrate on marketing, publicity and creating an energy around your title and the free market will look after the rest.


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